The troops from the Americas, Carribean, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania did not die in vain. They helped and showed the people of Afghanistan how life can be and what freedom actually means.
There is a lot of confusion and shock of what has happened in Afghanistan, which is understandable but always look at the positives.
The Taliban are going to form the next government of Afghanistan, but for them [the Taliban] to succeed in governing a new 'free' Afghanistan, they must govern with inclusion, respect, tolerance and take the whole of the Afghan population with them.
The people especially from women and minorities will demand that their freedoms are respected.
If the Taliban do not adhere to the will-of-the-people then the different fractions of Afghan society will rise-up and fightback, with fire if it is the necessary cause of action.
The legacy of Afghanistan will exist in the future, off-of the shoulders of the brave fallen and those that have unfortunately been maimed, injured whether physically or psychologically.
Freedom and the rights of people will be guaranteed.
If the Taliban think they will rule Afghanistan with an iron-fist and oppression of the Afghan population, they will become the minority (they are), and will face years of conflict and a bloody nose in the process.
The international community and ordinary people doing extraordinary deeds for the benefit of the global society we all live in needs to support the people of Afghanistan, not the Taliban unless they are sincere and speak the truth, of not only to the international community but to ordinary people who relate to the people of Afghanistan on the ground.