Creating Tolerance in the Community

With only one world, we should learn to work together!

Equality, Freedom, Liberty for all of the people in the world!

Creating Tolerance in the Community




The situation in The State of Israel and Gaza

Balloons flying in the Middle East mountains and desert

We denounce the Hamas led terrorist attack on The State of Israel in the early hours on Saturday 7th October 2023.

This unprovoked attack was of the worst kind of beheading, mutilating, raping, torturing, and burning of Israelis and tourists: babies, women, and unarmed men in their own homes or while shopping or enjoying themselves at a Peace and Unity Festival celebrating the end of the joyous Jewish holiday of the Sukkot and going into another Jewish happy holiday of the Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah in southern Israel.

The reason this Hamas led terrorist attack on The State of Israel happened was because the Iranian leadership who fund and support Hamas, did not want Israeli and Palestinian civilian institutions cooperating and working for the betterment of people from both sides, which had been happening for several months.

The other reason was to stop The State of Israel and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia normalising diplomatic relations, which Iran sees as a threat to their interests across the Middle East, as Iranians are Shia, and the majority of Muslims follow the Sunni branch of the Islamic faith.

We wish and hope that the deaths of the innocents, women and unarmed men are reduced or eliminated from the ensuing military campaign between Hamas and the other Jihadi terrorist groups and organisations and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) in Gaza and The State of Israel.

We stand shoulder to shoulder and unite with the people across the world who want to live in peace, harmony, and unity regardless of background, race, or religion.

Salaam and Shalom equally!

The earthquake that happened in Turkey and Syria on the 6th February 2023

Urgent Appeal

Disasters Emergency Committee

The devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria on the 6th February 2023, has led to the deaths of over 40,000 and probably this death toll will unfortunately and sadly rise as the international search and rescue mission will take many months to conclude.

It is a race against time to keep the survivors well protected from the harsh winter cold in Turkey and Syria.

We urge that for the sake of humanitarian aid to reach everyone who is in need of it whether in remote areas of Turkey or in Syria passes through without hinderance, especially in Syria where the civil war is still being fought.

By sending donations to the DEC you are rest assured that they will put the money to good use and provide basic humanitarian support such as clothes, blankets, toiletries, food, medicine, physical and mental help.

Christmas message from Creating Tolerance in the Community

We would like to think and pray for all of the people who are being affected by conflict, famine, natural disasters, poverty, persecution, illness, and any other situation that is hindering or making people's life harder than it should be.

We wish you a brighter future and hope that Mankind's troubles and problems will ease and lighten up, so we can all live in peace, harmony, and greater understanding.

The late Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II

Lessons to learn from the late Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II

Supporting the people of Ukraine

Disasters Emergency Committee

The Russo-Ukraine War has been raging since it started on the 22nd February 2022.

This has shocked and angered people across the world due to the fact that a war in Europe can mean a war across the whole world.

The women and children are the only people to leave Ukraine, while the men from the ages of 18-60 years old have to stay and fight the Russian Army, sent under orders by President Putin.

The people of Russia do not have too much information about their sons and husbands and what is really happening in Ukraine.

The few Russians that know what is going on in Ukraine are protesting against this war that they neither want or agree with.

This conflict will not only hurt Ukraine but Russia for decades to come.

By sending donations to the DEC you are rest assured that they will put the money to good use and provide basic humanitarian support such as clothes, blankets, toiletries, food, physical and mental help and funds to help settle Ukrainians in the respective countries they have fled to.

The people of Ukraine will be grateful for the help and support in this most difficult of times.

We hope that President Putin and President Zelenskyy can broker a deal to end as soon as possible this conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Russia-Ukraine Flags painted on a crumbling wall

The Russo-Ukraine War

Afghani's protesting for their Freedom

Afghanistan: They did not die in vain!

George Floyd who was killed by a former law enforcement officer: Derek Chauvin

The reason George Floyd died, apart from the knee on his neck

HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edingburgh
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Message to effectively manage the Covid-19 pandemic

The only way to defeat the global effect of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Covid-19 is not being handled by governments across the world properly.

It was correct to have a national lockdown across the globe, since this was a new virus and medical doctors did not know what this strain of coronavirus was capable of inflicting on the human race.

After several months' medical doctors across the world only had one thing to go on to understand how and by now it was named as Covid-19, to do their research by trial and error.

With up to a million people in developed and developing nations losing their lives a number of medicines treating illnesses such as lupus, malaria, arthritis and interesting all of these illnesses had one thing in common: the viruses of these illness preyed on a weak immune system.

Patients who were healthy were more likely to deal with Covid-19 better than patients who had underlying health problems or were in the vulnerable category of being elderly or disabled.

The leaders of nations and their health governmental departments issued national lockdowns to help to suppress the Covid-19 virus.

This brought much relief to hospitals and eventually the funeral parlours that had the grim task of cremating or burying the victims who had succumbed to Covid-19.

However, seven months on from March 2020, the easing of lockdowns have once again made the Covid-19 virus spike across nations and the world.

Leaders of nations and their governmental institutions are now considering another wave of national lockdowns.

The problem with Covid-19 is that having lockdowns will stop the spread of the virus for as long as the lockdown is in place.

Therefore, their needs to be another way of dealing with this Covid-19 virus.

We understand now that Covid-19 needs to spread in order to survive and that this particular strain of coronavirus takes time to take hold of the hosts body, which can take up to five days, then the next five days is the real challenge for the patient, often the difference between life and death.

The best way forward and most effective way to better control and finally defeat this deadly and insidious virus is to have a global lock-in process.

What is Lock-in?

Lock-in means that every country closes its border and only allows goods to travel in and out of countries.

The period of time for a lock-in to exist: 12 months.

When freight (goods) are transported whether by air, sea, or road the personnel are temperature checked and their blood is taken to test for Covid-19.

With airline pilots and sailors, they are to be placed in a designated hotel and effectively quarantined until their departing flight or sailing out of that particular country.

With haulage truck drivers it would be best practice is to designate an area where trailers are dropped off at the border or close by and local trucks then pick up these trailers to deliver them to their destinations.

The people in the vulnerable category are to be shielded (however the vulnerable should have the right to choose if they want to shield and understand the risk of catching Covid-19 could mean death for them) and that way the Covid-19 virus would sweep across the country and eventually fizzle out.

This way each nation has the chance to reduce the devastating effects of this Covid-19 virus.

More importantly nations are built on an economic structure and people want and need to work.

Human beings need to interact and socialise with their friends and family members, which helps with mental and physical wellbeing and is hugely beneficial to nations.

We need to stop the endless cycle of lockdowns, which could last up to the next forty years and cause every nation on Earth to become bankrupt and people committing suicide as hopelessness becomes normal living.

The national security threat for each nation will increase as enemies of democracy and living in peace and harmony see an opportunity to cause maximum damage to weakened nations.

Lock-in is the only way of getting to grips and effectively defeating Covid-19.

NHS Coronavirus Information
NHS Coronavirus Information
Anti-Knife Campaign

DITCH the KNIFE - Choose LIFE!



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The Children's Care System within the United Kingdom Report



UK Aid Truck



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Surge in Knife Crime

The surge in Knife Crime in the United Kingdom in particular in London is a very worrying trend amongst young people.

Everyday we hear of the harrowing stories of young people, some not even past their sixteenth birthday, being hunted down like wild animals to the slaughter by knife wielding maniacs, that in some cases are just as young as the victims they claim.

While the police launch their investigations in the hope of bringing justice to the perpetrator, the nation goes into overdrive to find the 'root causes' of such a crime.

We can all point fingers and hold government, children services, the police and other agencies for such undertakings but the reality is, the youngster themselves need to take their own 'personal' responsibility for getting themselves involved with such criminals in the first place.

Yes, cutting vital services like youth centres and reducing good role models and those that have been in a life of crime and reject this lifestyle choice and want to help to redeem themselves and in a way repair the damage they once did, doesn't help; but people including young people make choices: some good and some bad.

There is a tendency to focus on the failings of parents, but in a lot of these cases single parents predominately women are working and are trying their best to not only provide by working all hours, but to make sure their children do not go without.

We live in the hope that these young people, who are frittering their lives away on such criminal behaviour decide to work hard: whether at school or further education, or by working will we see the change that most of us are desperate to see; especially those that have lost loved ones by such force of being stabbed to death by someone inflicting this violence in using a knife; will we see peace on our streets?

about us

We are an organisation that promotes equality, freedom and justice throughout the world.

We have been going for twenty-years, campaigning by using reports, letters and using our social media network to highlight issues we are concerned about.

We are not affiliated to any political party, or any other third party organisations, which makes us independent and view the facts rather than being biased towards any party, organisation, or person(s.)

Our only aim is to ensure all across the world that people in societies are afforded equality, freedom and justice.

Amongst the upheavals around the world, we focus on working towards ensuring that every man, woman and child can live in peace and harmony.

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